Trusted Visa Consultants in Chandigarh for Your Immigration Needs

Visa is a legal authorization provided to an individual to go to a foreign country for studying, working or exploring the country as a tourist. If you plan to travel abroad for any of the reason, you need to go through a long and complicated process to get a specific type of visa as per the purpose of visit. Due to the trend of going abroad in states like Punjab, Haryana and Himachal the Visa Consultants in Chandigarh are in high demand as they cater to all the preferred countries and are expert in various types of visa. It is advised that instead of doing it on your own, you hire a suitable consultancy for the whole process so that there is no hassle in the process because there are many things that must be kept in mind while carrying out each and every task of the process, even a small mistake could cost you heavily in terms of money as well as your future plans. Here are some of the best players functioning in Chandigarh:

  1. Abroad Gateway

  2. IBT Overseas

  3. Flytouch Overseas

  4. Nest Abroad Immigration

  5. WWICS Chandigarh

  6. Landmark

  7. Skyline

  8. Expert Immigration

  9. Globizz Overseas

  10. Navigators Overseas

Let us discuss how Abroad Gateway, the most reputed Best visa consultants in Chandigarh could make the process hassle free for you: Qualified Visa Staff: Abroad Gateway takes great care while having anyone on board and never compromises with knowledge about the respective field. Therefore, all the members of the visa team are well qualified and have vast knowledge about the visa process along with all the other aspects related to that. They are capable of providing all the information you need depending upon the type of visa you are interested in. That is not all, they keep themselves updated with all the latest changes in the process and how that impacts the procedures so that their clients do not face any issues. Experienced & Resourceful Team: Having detailed knowledge is an important quality of a good consultant; however, the practical experience gained in the field has no match. The visa application process is intricate and every client comes with their own specific situations which are unique, therefore an immigration consultant has to be sharp enough to find out ways to get the desired outcome following all the rules, for this the practical experience is extremely important. Owing to the long experience, the whole visa team of this firm is well aware of various options and means to get the job done. Expertise in Required Skills: There are a lot of different skills required in this long and complex process and not having expertise in them leads to poor or mediocre work which fails to impress the officials who decide the final outcome which is approval of the visa. Due to this Abroad Gateway has ensured that the team has people who are skilled. For example, SOP writing is a skill that is very crucial for visa applications as it defines and describes the purpose of visit to a particular country in such a way that the genuine intentions of the applicant are clear. This needs to be well planned and organized before writing and while writing it is crucial to express details in accurate and good English. Many firms do not have in-house SOP writing team and they depend on outsiders for that which does not deliver great results every time. However, Abroad Gateway has in-house SOP writers for the job. High Moral Grounds: Respecting and valuing the human values like trust, honesty and integrity is the basis of the set code of conduct for all the team members of this organization. These qualities are very much expected and needed in the immigration sector but are scarce. Complete Transparency: Being straight forward and clear leads to smooth sail. The visa team of this visa consultant in Chandigarh is very transparent about the actions they take on behalf of the clients and keep them informed all the times so that there is no ambiguity or confusion about anything, especially money matters. Extra Services: Being the most reputed and trusted visa consultant in Chandigarh, Abroad Gateway offers a number of services to its clients like assistance to get loan, coaching to clear IELTS/PTE, making travel plans, forex services etc. which are very beneficial for its clients. To conclude, for the best results it is essential that you choose the best guide so that you get the desired visa without any hassle. What if your Canada study permit is declined? Every day many students file their application for a study permit, the majority of them get approval, but some of them get refused. Approval and refusal are the decisions of the visa officer on your application and it depends on the way you or someone put your file on the IRCC portal. So here you need to understand when you get approval and refusal, if you put your file as per the embassy norms and the visa officer finds your documents and SOP genuine and is convinced with your justification he will approve your application and vice versa if your file has some technical glitch in your documents and visa officer do not convince with them, he will reject your file. Your Study visa consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than Abroad Gateway can help you apply Canada Student Visa. There might be some different reasons for the refusal: Low academic score: Applicant might get a low band score in academics such as he might have less than 60 % marks overall or especially in English subject. This could be one of the reasons for refusal. Vocational subjects: In this student might complete his recent education with vocational subjects such as arts, physical education and music. Low band score: May be student has a lower band score as he might have less than an overall 6, so the visa officer can reject your file based on this parameter. Irrelevant course: In this student has selected the irrelevant course as the course he has selected does not have any link with the previous studies has completed. Document representation: In this, the documents you have arranged in your file are not as per embassy norms or they might have technical glitches in them, this could also be the reason for your file rejection. False information: In this, either you or your consultant might fill in some false information in the embassy form which might create an illusion in the embassy officer's mind that your documents are not genuine and he rejects your file. SOP is not justified: SOP stands for statement of purpose in this the person who writes your SOP will state your purpose of moving abroad and a valid reason. But in case of refusal, you have not justified it in the SOP. Under non-SDS category: In this, your file might be applied under the non-SDS category which might be the reason for the refusal. You need to take care of some measures to avoid refusal: Document representation: You need to represent your documents as per embassy norms so that your visa officer can clearly understand your documents and they should be scanned. Relevant course: In this, you should choose the relevant course according to your previous studies, as there should be a link in your previous studies or the course you to pursue abroad. Education Gap: If a student has a gap in your studies, he needs to justify the gap by providing a gap justification certificate an add-on course certificate, a competitive exam and work experience. Embassy forms: In this, you need to fill the embassy forms correctly without any spelling mistakes or information should be matched with original documents. SOP should be justified: Your SOP should be justified such as you need to state the purpose and reason to come back, in other words, your consultant must be able to justify your intentions of travel and return. The cause of the last refusal should be justified in the SOP your consultant is writing for the second time. In this, you need to give clarity on why you will leave the country after completing your studies as this would be the major cause of refusal which has been mentioned on the IRCC portal as R216 (1) (b). Your consultant needs to give a valid reason that you are coming back to the home country he can say that for the dependents who are living in the home country you to come back to take care of them, moreover, you have a well-established business in the home country and being the only son you to take care of it. ​ So above we have mentioned some measures which you need to take care of to avoid refusal, if you are thinking of applying Canada student visa you need to the best Canada Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. ​

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